In keeping with our Stewards of the Lake mission, we provide this information from a third party. The Ohio Lakefront Group currently has not taken a stand on this issue as it is beyond the scope of our Charter (Private Property Rights).
If you are interested in getting more information or getting involved with this action you can contact:
Mark Carden at or David Strang at
The following  information and links provide an understanding of this issue:
Alliance to protect Lake Erie
Save our beautiful Lake Erie from reckless industrial development! LEEDS/Icebreaker and a for profit energy company based in Oslo Norway are currently at work on leasing a large section of Lake Erie, near shore and within view, to build 1,500 industrial wind turbines. These propose turbines would be very visible from shore significantly affecting the scenic beauty of the Lake. Since the turbines must have red and white strobe lights on each one it will look like a giant airport at night. They are 479 feet high and massive. For comparison the five mile Crib is 155 feet high and there is just one of those. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur is quoted suggesting a goal of “having an Industrial Wind Turbine corridor from Buffalo to Toledo with thousands of Wind Turbines along the southern shore of Lake Erie”. If you care about the scenic beauty of the lake and the thousands of birds these turbines kill please lend your support for SOBL. This developer has been seeking a permit to build the first six test wind turbines eight miles northwest of Cleveland and miles almost directly north of the Rocky River.
Senator Kennedy and residents of Massachusetts defeated a similar but much smaller project slated for the Massachusetts Bay/Nantucket Sound. Senator Kennedy fought this on the grounds that it would visually destroy a summer home and vacation spot that attracted boaters, sailors, fisherman and people who enjoy being by the water enjoying the seascape….for this generation and the ones to follow. Because many other residents and concerned people joined Kennedy they were successful in opposing these wind turbines. The project was successfully apposed and in December, after 12 years, the developer withdrew from the project. Read about why at:
All of this applies to this situation with Lake Erie. It’s a major economic driver for Northern Ohio and a visual blight like wind turbines would significantly damage our economy. According to the State visitors to Ohio’s Lake Erie region spend more than $10.7 billion annually – nearly 30 percent of Ohio’s total tourism dollars. Regional tourism also supports more than 100,000 northern Ohio jobs and generates $75million in state and local taxes. East coast tourist stop at the Rock Hall and their way to Cedar Point and the Lake Erie Islands.
In addition Wind turbines are proven to kill thousands of birds every month. Lake Erie is a major flyway for migrating birds including at least two endangered species. Thousands of decaying dead bird carcasses washing up on our beaches and shorelines will cause big environmental problems of unknown scope. Also significant to realize is that the water intake crib is just down-current from the proposed wind turbine site. What will thousands of rotting bird carcasses each month do to the safety of the drinking water. Additionally, wind turbines are known to leak thousands of gallons of toxic oil and lubricants every year.
Since wind turbines produce electricity 16 times more expensive than natural gas they require both government subsidies plus an increase in electricity rates paid by residents and businesses. Germany has just imposed a moratorium on new wind turbines because the existing turbines they utilize have forced energy prices so high their businesses can’t compete and employment and wages have suffered.
Also, this project poses a threat to the viability of Yacht Clubs including The Cleveland Yacht. CYC members have a lot invested in dues, boats and commute time so that they can enjoy the beauty and recreation of our lake. I giant near shore industrial wind turbine development corridor would reduce the value of boating to many present and future members, posing a long term risk to the CYC. This would also apply to Edgewater Yacht Club, Shoreby, Mentor Yacht Club, Old River, Clifton Beach, Catawba Island Club, Put in Bay, Sandusky etc., etc., etc.
The department of energy previously approved a $40 million grant contingent on the developer getting the necessary permits for this development from the State of Ohio. Presently the development is on hold due to unacceptable proposed methodologies to evaluate the effects on birds. The American Bird Conservancy and the Black Swamp Bird Observatory both filed objections to the turbines. Read about it:
Here is an article describing the location of the Industrial Wind Turbines in the Lake “eight  miles Northwest of Cleveland.”. The locations are set and they are 5 miles north of the Rocky River.
View the Pending Lake Erie industrial wind turbine case here and enter a comment in the area of the website designated (i.e. Why give rights to industrialize our lake when the lake belongs to all of us including future generations)
Here is the state of Ohio’s report on Lake Erie’s economic contribution:
Read here on the  Infrasound effects from Industrial Wind Turbines in Michigan which would also happen on the shores of Lake Erie.
Wind Turbines are documented to kill thousands of birds each year. Some kill thousands per month including many Eagles. Lake Erie is a major flyway for birds and water fowl.
Bald Eagles make comeback on south shore of Lake Erie:
Many experts have reported that the fossil fuels used to manufacture, transport, install and maintain giant wind turbines is greater than natural gas emissions of equivalent power generation….more to follow on this.
This will be an environmental blow to our area. For millions, Lake Erie is our most precious natural resource. The seascape inspires millions of Ohioans and tourists coming to our lake front. The visual pollution caused by an industrial wind farm would be hugely damaging to the quality of life in Northern Ohio, it’s residents, and it’s tourism. Ohio’s tourism office uses film footage of a calm Lake Erie in their ‘Vacation in Ohio” TV commercials. You can bet that they wouldn’t use wind turbine footage if it gets approved.
More information at a later date at